Sins of a Solar Empire:Rebellion V1.79
- Updated ship and structure rendering (specifically the shadowed and non-shadowed shaders).
- Adjusted TEC and Vasari missile speeds/turn rate to be smoother (doesn't affect damage).
- Adjusted Anarchic Society planet bonus to no longer require exploration (Forbidden Worlds DLC).
- Pirate Cutthroat base damage decreased from 60 to 45; weapon cooldown increased from 5.0 to 5.5.
- Pirate Rogue base damage decreased from 40 to 35.
- AntiMedium to Medium damage increased from 1.33333 to 1.5.
- TEC Loyalists
- Increased damage on Disruption Matrix (Titan) from 40/50/60/70 to 70/70/70/70.
- TEC Rebels
- Increased Refined Emitters from 1 level of research to 2.
- Advent
- Corvettes should now be affected by Ruthlessness ability (Destra Crusader).
- Psionic Scream (Discord Battleship) will now interrupt.
- Advent Rebels
- Adjusted Reanimation research subject slightly to give the intended bonus.
- Vasari
- Reworked Phasic Trap (Hangar Bays) in order to properly limit the number of affected strike craft.
- Phasic Trap (Hangar Bays) will now affect 18/27 individual strike craft, increased from 10/20; duration updated from 45/60 to 45/45.
- Disruptor Nanites (Phase Missile Turret) duration decreased from 600 to 60.
- Vasari Loyalists
- Reworked The Maw ultimate ability on the Loyalist titan to properly limit the number of destroyed enemy frigates as intended.
- String improvements for Starbase Mobilization description.
- Fix for the game thinking a user doesn't own the Forbidden Worlds DLC in multiplayer when they do.