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Rebellion Syntax
* RandomEventDefs * Ability * Brushes * Buff * CannonShell * CapitalShip * Gameplay Constants * EntryVehicle * Fighter * Frigate * Galaxy * GalaxyScenarioDef * GameplayConstants * Mission * MissionBuildMines * MissionBuildStarBase * MissionCaptureResources * MissionFosterRelationships * PipCloud * PlanetBonus * PlanetModule * RebellionPlanetModuleHangarDefense * RebellionPlanetModuleRefinery * RebellionPlanetModuleShipFactory * RebellionPlanetModuleStandard * RebellionPlanetModuleTradePort * RebellionPlanetModuleWeaponDefense * Planet * Player * Quest * ResearchSubject * ResourceAsteroid * SpaceMine * Squad * StarBaseUpgrade * StarBase * Star * String Info * Sounddata