buffInstantActionType Definition
- AddPopulationToPlanet
This text is not collapsible; but the next is collapsible and hidden by default:
- ApplyArbitraryTargettedBuffToSelf
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- range
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToAllFirstSpawnerShipsAndStructures
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToFirstSpawnerNoFilterNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- ApplyBuffToIncomingHyperspacers
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToLastSpawnerNoFilterNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- ApplyBuffToLastSpawnerWithTravelNoFilterNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- travelSpeed: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToLocalOrbitBodiesWithinDistance
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- connectionDistance: Decimal
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToLocalOrbitBody
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToLocalOrbitBodyWithTravel
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- travelSpeed: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToSelf
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToSelfWithFilter
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- ApplyBuffToTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetNoFilterNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- ApplyBuffToTargetNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetOnWeaponFired
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- ApplyBuffToTargetWithEntryVehicles
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- entryVehicleType: Entity
- numEntryVehicles
- travelTime: Decimal
- entryVehicleLaunchInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetWithTravel
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- travelSpeed: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToTargetWithTravelNoFilterNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- travelSpeed: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToTargetsAtAdjacentOrbitBodies
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetsAtOrbitBody
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetsInColumn
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- columnRadius
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetsInDirectionalCone
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- weaponBank: EnumerationSyntax
- range
- coneAngle
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadius
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusOfTargetWithTravel
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- maxTargetCount
- travelSpeed: Decimal
- effectStaggerDelay: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusWithChainTravel
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- maxTargetCount
- chainDelay: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToTargetsInRadiusWithTravel
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- maxTargetCount
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- travelSpeed: Decimal
- effectStaggerDelay: Decimal
- hasWeaponEffects: Condition
- ApplyBuffToTargetsLinked
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyForceFromSpawner
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- force: Decimal
- ApplyImpulseFromSpawner
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- impulse: Decimal
- ApplyImpulseInSpawnerDirection
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- impulse: Decimal
- ApplyOrRemoveBuffToSelf
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyRelationshipModifierToOwnerOfPlanetInCurrentGravityWell
- ApplyTargettedBuffToSelf
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- range
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyTargettedBuffToSelfNoFilterNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- ApplyTargettedBuffToSelfNoRange
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffType: Entity
- targetFilter
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- AttractDebris
- ChangePlayerIndexToFirstSpawner
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- isPermanent: Boolean
- failIfNotEnoughShipSlots: Boolean
- experiencePercentageToAward: Decimal
- ChangePlayerIndexToNeutral
- ChangePlayerIndexToPriorMinorFaction
- ClearRecordedDamage
- ColonizePlanet
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- targetFilter
- range
- delayUntilColonization: Decimal
- entryVehicleType: Entity
- numEntryVehicles
- travelTime: Decimal
- entryVehicleLaunchInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- afterColonizeBuffType: Entity
- ConvertDamageToAntiMatter
- ConvertFrigateToResources
- ConvertNearbyDebrisToHull
- ConvertSquadMembersToMines
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- spaceMineType: Entity
- expiryTime
- CreateCannonShell
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- cannonShellType: Entity
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- CreateClonedFrigate
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- numFrigates
- impulse: Decimal
- expiryTime
- spawnFrigateSoundID: Sound
- CreateFrigate
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- frigateType: Entity
- numFrigates
- matchOwnerDamageState: Boolean
- impulse: Decimal
- expiryTime
- spawnFrigateSoundID: Sound
- postSpawnBuff: Entity
- CreateFrigateAtArbitraryTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- frigateType: Entity
- numFrigates
- expiryTime
- spawnFrigateSoundID: Sound
- range
- CreateFrigateAtTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- frigateType: Entity
- numFrigates
- impulse: Decimal
- expiryTime
- spawnFrigateSoundID: Sound
- targetFilter
- range
- CreateIllusionFighters
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- numFighters
- expiryTime
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- CreatePlanetModule
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- planetModuleType: Entity
- spawnPlanetModuleSoundID: Sound
- CreateSpaceMine
- CreateSquad
- CreateStarBase
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- starBaseType: Entity
- placementRadius
- DoAllegianceChangeToPlanet
- DoDamage
- DoDamagePerEntityInRadius
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- damagePerEntity
- damageAffectType: EnumerationSyntax
- damageType: EnumerationSyntax
- isDamageShared: Boolean
- targetFilter
- range
- maxTargetCount
- DoDamagePerLastSpawnerPopulation
- DoDamagePercOfCurrentHull
- DoDamageToPlanet
- DoInterrupt
- DoInterruptUltimate
- Explore
- ForceAttackersToRepickAttackTarget
- GainAntimatterEqualToTarget
- GainHullEqualToTarget
- GainShieldEqualToTarget
- GiveCreditsToPlayer
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- credits
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- GiveExperience
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- experienceToGive: Decimal
- GiveResourceToPlayer
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- resourceType: EnumerationSyntax
- Credits
- Metal
- Crystal
- resourceAmount
- resourceAmountScalarType: EnumerationSyntax
- PerOwnerShipSlot
- Flat
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- IncreaseOwnerAbilityLevel
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- abilityIndex: Decimal
- abilityLevel
- InitializeMovementTowardLastSpawner
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- minLinearSpeed: Decimal
- maxLinearSpeed: Decimal
- InitializeRandomMotion
- MakeDead
- MatchTargetVelocity
- PlayAttachedEffect
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- PlayDetachedEffectsInRadius
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- range
- numEffects: Integer
- delayBetweenEffects: Decimal
- PlayPersistantAttachedEffect
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- effectInfo
- effectAttachInfo
- smallEffectName: Particle
- mediumEffectName: Particle
- largeEffectName: Particle
- soundID: Sound
- PlayPersistantBeamEffect
- PropagateWeaponDamageReceivedToTargetsInRadius
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- targetFilter
- range
- maxTargetCount
- RecordDamage
- RemoveAntiMatter
- RemoveAntiMatterPerc
- RemoveBuffOfType
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- buffTypeToRemove: Entity
- RemovePlanetPopulation
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- populationAmount
- populationAmountScalarType: EnumerationSyntax
- PerOwnerPlanetPopulation
- ResetPhysicsState
- RestoreAntiMatter
- RestoreHullPoints
- RestoreHullPointsPerc
- RestoreShieldPoints
- RestoreShieldPointsPerc
- ResurrectCapitalShip
- RetaliateBounty
- RetaliateDamage
- RuinPlanet
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- targetFilter
- range
- afterRuinBuffType: Entity
- SetTauntTargetToLastSpawner
- SpawnResourceExtractors
- SpawnShipsAtPlanet
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- spawnShipsLevelCount: Iteration
- spawnShipsArrivalDelayTime: Decimal
- spawnShipsHyperspaceSpawnType: EnumerationSyntax
- shouldAdoptFirstSpawnersMinorFactionState: Boolean
- spawnShipsMinStartingHullPerc: Decimal
- spawnShipsMaxStartingHullPerc: Decimal
- SpawnShipsAtPlanetWithRandomTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- targetFilter
- spawnShipsLevelCount: Iteration
- spawnShipsArrivalDelayTime: Decimal
- spawnShipsHyperspaceSpawnType: EnumerationSyntax
- shouldAdoptFirstSpawnersMinorFactionState: Boolean
- spawnShipsMinStartingHullPerc: Decimal
- spawnShipsMaxStartingHullPerc: Decimal
- SpawnShipsAtPlanetWithTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- targetFilter
- spawnShipsLevelCount: Iteration
- spawnShipsArrivalDelayTime: Decimal
- spawnShipsHyperspaceSpawnType: EnumerationSyntax
- shouldAdoptFirstSpawnersMinorFactionState: Boolean
- spawnShipsMinStartingHullPerc: Decimal
- spawnShipsMaxStartingHullPerc: Decimal
- StealAntiMatterForFirstSpawner
- StealResources
- TeleportTowardsArbitraryTarget
- TeleportTowardsMoveTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- teleportDistance: Decimal
- TeleportTowardsTarget
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- teleportStopOffset: Decimal
- TiltUpVectorInTargetDirection
- instantActionTriggerType: Condition
- angleOffset: Decimal
- ApplyArbitraryTargettedBuffToSelf